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                Classification of conductive plastics according to manufacturing methods

                2020-05-12 737

                Conductive plastic is a kind of functional polymer material, which is mixed with resin and conductive material and processed by plastic processing method. It is mainly used in electronics, integrated circuit packaging, electromagnetic wave shielding and other fields.

                Some of the conductive plastics are classified according to their electrical functions, and some are classified according to their manufacturing methods. How many kinds of conductive plastics are classified according to their manufacturing methods? Let's see.

                1. According to the manufacturing method of conductive plastics, it can be divided into structural conductive plastics and composite conductive plastics. Structural conductive plastic, also known as intrinsic conductive plastic, refers to the plastic that has conductivity itself or after chemical modification. Structural polymer conductive materials mainly include:

                (1) metal chelates: such as polyketo phthalocyanine;

                (2) charge moving polymer complex: such as polycation, CQ complex.

                (3) π - conjugated polymers: polyacetylene, (SR) n, linear polyphenylene, layered polymers, etc;


                The production cost of this kind of polymer materials is high and the process is difficult. Up to now, there is no mass production of this kind of polymer materials.

                The filling materials of conductive plastics mainly include:

                A. metal dispersion system; B. carbon black system; C. organic complex dispersion system.

                2. It can be divided into anti-static data, conductive data and electromagnetic wave shielding data according to different uses.

                3. According to the electrical function classification, it can be divided into: insulator, anti-static body, conductive body and high conductor. Generally, insulator refers to those with a resistance value of more than 1010 Ω· cm; semiconductor or antistatic refers to those with a resistance value of 104-108 Ω· cm; conductor refers to those with a resistance value of less than 105 Ω· cm; and high conductor refers to those with a resistance value of less than 100 Ω· cm.

                Article origin: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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