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                How to test the resistivity of conductive plastics?

                2020-05-12 777

                In the work of many friends will ask, conductive plastic resistivity is how to test it? To understand this, we need to know what is the definition of resistivity. Resistivity is a physical quantity used to express the resistance characteristics of various substances. The ratio of the product of resistance and cross-sectional area of an element made of a substance (20 ° C at normal temperature) to its length is called the resistivity of the substance. Resistivity has nothing to do with the length and cross-sectional area of conductor. It is the electrical property of conductor material itself, which is determined by the material of conductor and related to temperature. Its international unit is Ω. M.


                The formula for calculating the resistivity of conductive plastics is r = ρ L / s, where ρ is the resistivity, l is the length of the material, and S is the area. It can be seen that the resistance of the material is directly proportional to the length of the material, that is, when the material and the cross-sectional area are unchanged, the longer the length is, the greater the material resistance is; while it is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the material, that is, when the material and the length are unchanged, the larger the cross-sectional area is, the smaller the resistance is.

                Article origin: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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