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                Taishan Yunpeng New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional modified plastics manufacturing enterprise It is a high tech enterprise focusing on research, development, production and sales of conductive plastics It has a research and development team that integrates practice, thinking and understanding R & D personality with high doctorate and master degrees, and established a wide range of industry university research cooperation relations with various colleges and universities, such as: Wuyi University, Sichuan University, Beijing University of chemical technology, South China University of technology, etc. Taishan Yongpeng New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Taishan, Jiangmen, The Pearl River Delta with convenient transportation It has many years of experience in research and development and production of modified plastics, especially conductive plastics It now has brand new production equipment, strict management systems, and determined technology The quality management concept of service and continuous improvement, with the goal of producing better quality and providing better services, is always ready to provide customers with quality products and services

                At present, our main products are conductive PS / PP / PE / ABS / PA / PC / EVA, etc., which can be used for different post-processing methods, such as extruding sheets, plates, injection molding, foaming, etc., there are special materials, there are also additional type, you can add 60% of the same base material Companies adhering to the "e; Customer first, forge ahead"e; Business philosophy, here to the "e; Customer first"e; Principle to provide our clients with quality services