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                Introduction to the forming of conductive plastics

                2020-05-12 770

                1. Forming of structural conductive plastics

                At present, the stability and processability of structural conductive plastics are still the main problems in industrial production and practical application. Some of them are very sensitive to oxygen, and some of them will lose their original performance in storage. In order to solve this problem, polymer blends have been developed abroad to improve their stability and processability, or to prepare soluble polymers so that they can be processed into pancreas in solution, or to introduce copolymerization and grafting methods Processable components. In recent years, conductive polymers that can be formed by thermoplastic processing have been developed, thus breaking through in processing and application. It is expected that more new varieties that can be processed before doping and stable after doping will be developed.

                2. Forming of composite conductive plastics

                For composite conductive plastics, the existing plastic processing and molding methods can be used. Extrusion, injection, lamination and other methods of processing and molding conductive plastic products, its conductivity has fully met the requirements of use.


                3. Molding of filled conductive plastics

                This kind of conductive plastic is formed by the dispersion composite method. The conductive filler and the basic resin are mixed evenly in the kneading machine, then extruded and granulated, and then the granular material is formed by the appropriate method.

                4. Forming of metal fiber series conductive plastics

                A. the process of adding short metal fiber directly into the basic resin by direct method is the same as that of filling conductive plastic. It can also add conductive filler at the same time of adding metal fiber. There is no limit to the use of short metal fiber. Both metal fiber and Shejin fiber can be used by drawing or melt spinning.

                B. the master batch method is used to cluster the gold chip long fiber with the cluster agent, and then cut it into slices (master batch) with a length of 5-15ram, and then mix or knead the slices with the basic resin to make them evenly distributed; the long metal fiber of various materials can be used. The ideal fiber length & gt; 100ram, diameter & lt; 5 m (the best is 7 headlands), the dosage is 4-8, and 20-70% is suitable when mixed with cluster agent.

                The commonly used cluster agent is thermoplastic resin solution or crack solution. The equipment with low speed and low shear stress should be selected when the cluster slice is mixed with the basic resin.

                C. BMC method (prefabricate the whole mold plastic to weave the long metal fiber into a mesh fabric (volume palate or silk blanket), and then put it into two layers of plastic substrate for castration and molding. The woven fabric can also be baked with impregnated resin solution, and the woven fabric can also be injected into a preset die as an insert (including double-layer injection). The advantage of BMC method is that silver carp fiber will not be damaged in the process of processing, so the conductivity is excellent and can be kept in use.

                D. SMC method (sheet molded plastic) is used to mix multi strand long metal fiber with basic resin, and make sheet molded plastic after repeated rolling and drawing, and then use dry method "molding. SMC method is especially suitable for thermosetting plastics.

                The addition of metal fiber has less effect on the performance of basic resin than the addition of conductive filler, and has less damage and pollution on the processing formability, the equipment mould, and does not affect the product coloring. At present, the resistivity of metal fiber-based conductive plastics can reach 10q · cm. However, most of the metal fibers are expensive and can be mixed. Metal fibers or mixed conductive fillers can be used to reduce the cost. The effect is often more than a single system.

                Article origin: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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