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                TIANGMEN YUNPENG ADV.MAT.SCI.&TECH.co.,ltd

                Professional modified plastic manufacturing enterprise

                Taishan Yunpeng New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of modified plastics. It is a high-tech enterprise mainly engaged in research and development, production and sales of conductive plastics. It has a research and development team that integrates practice, thinking and understanding. R & D personnel with doctorate and master degrees ...


                YUNPENG · STRENGTH


                Strong team

                Factory direct sales

                Caring service

                Professionalism stems from technology! Quality casting brand


                0750-5466081(Mr. Zhang)

                4 advantages of Yunpeng new materials

                Focus on production professional team

                There is a R & D team that integrates practice, thinking and understanding, and R & D personnel with high doctorate and master degrees

                various kinds Quality Assurance

                Our main products are conductive PS / PP / PE / ABS / PA / PC / EVA, etc., which can be used for different post-processing methods, such as extruding sheets, plates, injection molding, foaming, etc., with special materials, and also add Type, you can add 60% of the same base material.

                Priority raw materials Strict testing

                Now has brand-new production equipment, strict management system, dedicated technical service, continuous improvement of quality management concept

                Professional customer service Quality service

                Adhere to the "integrity-based, customer first" purpose, in the "quality-oriented, excellence" business philosophy, and strive to provide customers with a full range of quality services.

                Industry News

                Corporate News



                What is the masterbatch in the carbon black conductive masterbatch?

                Masterbatch is a kind of plastic processing aid developed in 1980s. It is composed of chemical aid, carrier plastic and dispersant.Masterbatch refers to the granular material produced by mixing, melting, extruding and pelletizing the masterbatch and the carrier plastic through the extruder in order to operate conveniently and blend all kinds of auxiliaries, carrier plastics and dispersants needed,

                How to make modified plastics flame retardant?

                Modified plastics can be seen everywhere in our life. With the continuous improvement of the performance of plastic materials and the requirements of lightweight products, plastic materials are widely used in construction, furniture, transportation, aviation, aerospace, electrical appliances and other aspects. In many occasions, the materials are required to have flame retardancy, the more commonl

                Processing and application of Taishan conductive masterbatch

                Processing and application of conductive masterbatchThe domestic demand for plastic antistatic / conductive products is increasing, and the number and variety of electronic product packaging are increasing. The antistatic / conductive products of plastic products, especially attract people's attention, are one of the goals pursued by people in the plastic packaging industry, which adopts domestic

                How to test the resistivity of conductive plastics?

                In the work of many friends will ask, conductive plastic resistivity is how to test it? To understand this, we need to know what is the definition of resistivity. Resistivity is a physical quantity used to express the resistance characteristics of various substances. The ratio of the product of resistance and cross-sectional area of an element made of a substance (20 ° C at normal temperature) to