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                What is a mother's grain? What are the types of mother grains at present?

                2020-05-12 771

                What is a mother's grain? What are the types of mother grains at present?

                Masterbatch is a newly developed product in recent years. It is mainly used in plastic and fiber industries. It is a better way to add various additives in the product industry.


                Masterbatch is composed of super constant chemical auxiliaries, carrier resins and dispersants. It can be divided into many kinds according to the variety of auxiliaries. For example, multi-color masterbatch and various functional masterbatch, such as antistatic masterbatch, conductive masterbatch, filling masterbatch, flame retardant masterbatch, foaming masterbatch, antibacterial masterbatch, various agricultural masterbatch (anti-aging, fresh-keeping, anti fog drop, blue light conversion film), etc.

                Article origin: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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